My family is upper middle class, Thai Chinese, – ?Hi So? – as the Thais call it, from Chiang Mai. My father was a highly respected and successful property developer and a Baht millionaire, but he fell foul of the Asian Financial Crisis of 1997 and lost all his businesses. Thankfully, I had just finished my degree in Mass Communications and Journalism at a university in Bangkok, which explains my good English. I originally studied at an international school, topped up by lessons at the British Council, probably the best English language school in the world, and between them, they laid a really good foundation for my linguistic skills. Even so, my English isn?t perfect, but I get a helping hand from the PDN Editor, Khun May, who helps to correct any misspellings or grammatical mistakes I might make.
After graduating, I started by working for my uncle in his construction business in Hong Kong at his request, but suffered a bad attack of pneumonia almost as soon as I started, which laid me on my back for a month. I couldn?t go back to work for my uncle on my recovery as he had been tragically killed in an air crash, and the company was subsequently sold following his death, so I returned to Bangkok. However, the capital was still in the throes of recovery from Black Thursday and work was extremely difficult to find. It was then that I met my friend, Tammy, again, who had been at university with me.
We re-met in a Bangkok nightclub. She, too, had had great difficulty finding work and was working temporarily as a hostess for a high class escort agency that catered to rich Chinese, Japanese and Arab businessmen. Normally, of course, she would never have dreamed of working in such a profession, but times were hard for now poor, little rich girls, like us. She earned an absolute fortune from her ?servicing? of the foreign businessmen, who were extremely generous, taking her away for lavish holidays to Koh Samui and Phuket, apart from treating her to the best hotels and restaurants in Bangkok and buying her incredibly expensive presents.
What she told me made me not a little envious, as I had been completely broke for 3 months, and life was extremely hard. One day, she asked me if I would like to join the agency she worked for. Initially, I was shocked, as you can well imagine, coming from an extremely traditional and conservative family as I did. I fought a battle with my conscience for two days and then reluctantly agreed to become a Hi-So hostess after watching a very revealing movie about the escort business. My family would never have understood, but then they didn?t need to know, did they?
Things were made far easier because the escort agency had just signed a contract with a businessman in Dubai to send a number of hostesses to work in his nightclub, and I was among them. I won?t try to fool you that I was a virgin when I started work as I?d had an intimate relationships at university, but we told the Arab clientele that I was pure and intact. That earned me premium rates for a while, and I soon began to rake in a small fortune. The work wasn?t strenuous as we were a very exclusive club. I only had two clients a week and they tended to do the same as the businessmen in Bangkok had done, namely take me to high class establishments as their new fiancée; the Arabs are also extremely conservative, despite what they might get up to when they are abroad! This halcyon existence lasted for 6 months and then I returned to Bangkok; reluctantly, as it happens, because I had really enjoyed myself in Dubai, especially the trips to the Caribbean and Andalusia in Southern Spain that some of the rich clients had taken me on.
Work as a hostess at the Bangkok agency wasn?t nearly so good, so after another 6 months, I temporarily retired. After all, I now had a small fortune in the bank because I?d been extremely frugal and had conserved my money. Plus the fact that my Arab ?boyfriends? had been extremely generous as then I was still young and beautiful ? drop dead gorgeous, my English boyfriend, Tom, used to call me.

We lived happily together until Tom?s wife from England turned up one day at his condo. My Buddha! That was an experience. Talk about being a tigress! Tom?s wife went absolutely ballistic when she found me living with him. I had no option but to move out
Story from Snookie
Translated by: Warina
Snookies Story Pt 2: Mamasanning
The Grim Realities Of Bar-Ownership In Pattaya